alrite, enuff of cursing THE MAN, in case he banishes me to hell. no school on wed, so slacked the whole day at home. till driving lessons came. took the bus back to the place again, where satans and devils await me. if i had stopped in time.. if i had been more alert..
today was kinda bored. a lil wasteful day i would say. morning had prac test. it was alrite. besides some screw-ups here and there. lunch at fc1. no much flow in the fc today. maybe all busy studying, bud it was crowded thou.. lecture continued at lt4a.. "solid" lecture followed by presentation by cm's grp.. u gotta credit him for his entertainment. finally school was over. thot we could haf some soccer cuz the rain had stopped. bud no ball today, and couldnt borrow any from the clubs, plus the rain continue to drizzle bit by bit. decided to go home after slacking an hour at fc3. by the way u can click on the link here to view the fotos we took today. boring day
long await rb day is finally here. missed last month's due to driving test prep. stil not sure if some of the other guys would be joining us beside the regulars. life should be picking up this weekend. cheerios
three hour break. rardo decided to go all the way to fc6 for lunch. the journey was hard, bud it all paid off. walked ard fc6 twice, deciding on wad to eat. finally all of us had yong tau foo, wihch apparently i condemned earlier cuz of flies on the bitter gourd. stupid enuff of me, i took the bitter gourd. in the end, my lunch wasnt very filling. bud my eyes were. too many quality girls to fill the brains wif. all the stupid things came out. indeed an eye opener for some of us. haven been on er mei for at least one year after my jap class moved to t17. sat ard for another half an hour or so before exploring t21 and t22. took some pictures on the red bridge. the weather's hot, so we spent some time enjoying the breeze on the red bridge. it was towering the whole hill. well the fotos can be found in my flickr account or multiply . walking back to cls area when it was time to go. abit of reluctance to leave the fantasy we're in for the past three hours. bud eventually we returned to reality. indeed the quality fell drastically. yes we mean it.
tan he lesson. revision. crappy cuz we were all moodless. got spare time found our empty classroom somewhere in the school. watched them play wif the duster. lol. took more pic there. ngpc lesson followed. presentations today made me more sleepy, and hungry. longed for school to end early so i could haf my early dinner. free access for awhile before attending jap class..
this week was crappy. kawaii ne girl was there as usual. i was half sick by the time i got to class. didnt really look at her today. class was boring. took a train home before settling for dinner and tv.
life's boring sometimes. we gotta live it to the fullest like the moon tonite. cheerios
i know you're out there, somewhere out there
you're falling out of reach, defying gravity
the blues of monday are finally back.. considering so many things to do in such a short time. and im not in the right mood to settle stuffs rite now. life has never been great early in the week cuz mondays are the times where you start realising the stuffs you haf to do which you thot you didnt haf to do during the weekend. maybe the "chilling-out" mood during sunday is hanging over till today. the feeling of seeing everyone, especially the really hardworking ones finishing their piles of burdens freaks me out.
i was in school early today. at 8. right on the dot. didnt understand wad "j-kwan" is rapping about. prac was alrite. besides the fact dat we missed out on a gal in the shoes area while we were happily talking outside the classroom. putting on the cleansuit screws my hair totally. nerdy me in front of the mirror. the cleansuit i got is always too big for me. looks like jack the ripper, in white. lesson ended early, and we were deciding where to go. lunch at fc4 while deciding. the eight of us walked from fc4 to fc2 after lunch. met up wif the 21 guys there.
took a train to clementi. pool for one hour or so. den cs for awhile. py and xy came to join us. they oreadi bought the cake for roy's burfday. pool for another two hours while taking pictures and eating the cake. joined wif some of the 21 boys who were back after their presentation prep. went home after dat. the trains were kinda packed due to normal peak hours. dinner before trying to finish the application letter. still trying to stuggle thru now while watching american's next top model. a new batch of young gals. heather's the cutest of them all. my fetish for sluts suddenly. lol. tml's gonna be a long day. cheerios bloggers
Stones taught me to fly
Love taught me to lie
Life taught me to die
So it's not hard to fall
When you float like a cannonball
such a gloomy sunday. the weather was alrite for a moment, den drizzled abit. den fine weather once more. when i was about to go out. rain poured like it never did. flooding the fields in front of my house. visibility hit to a mere 100 metres.
went to serangoon to play soccer, wif a bunch a freaks. this team im wif is my bro's friends, played wif them during the o level days. the united librarians of saint gabriel's. lol. dats partly the reason why i flunked my o's. oh wells, the old times were the greatest. those were the days. the game was tight. after they thrashed us 3-1 after a hard fought game. exchanged fucks and cbs all ard. like there was gonna be a gang fight. lol. kids will always be kids. scare them off and they'll shut up.
oh wells, i mus say i suck in street soccer wif no walls.. and no penalty box. the court at braddell heights sucks. i prefer the one in toa payoh. our team totally lose control and possession. couldnt capitalise on our chances. a few clear chances resulted in flying over the crossbar, due to selfish play. im mesmerised by their quick one touch passing and lobbing over me, cuz im too tall to pass over.. lol. we lost. and went over to the other court to play.
this time some of the pple i played wif came over to challenge us. i took on the role of a forward aka playmaker aka play-behind-the-striker. got more chances cuz we spread out. change keepers, better passing, stil, not much goals. i missed one clear chance. tried to tonjo wif weak right foot. the ball flew over the far post. bud created quite alot of one-on-ones wif the keeper for my striker. managed to intercept their passes. and this celtic guy kept doing the dribbles which screws my team upside down. damn.
oh wells. got home when it was about to rain. had dinner. watched yi tian tu long ji aka the heavenly sword and dragon sabre. zhiruo turn evil le. cuz she learn new skill, jiu ying zhen jing. and zhao min is staying ever closer to wuji. yeap. hope the story goes on well. my dad, who apparently read the book, says the story is off track. wuji is handsome, bud he's not a flirt. haha.. i dunno much, jus watch tv and shut up. switched to channel 5 watched vertical limit for awhile. quite a blockbuster i can see. love the mountains at the back. oh issit the alps or himalayas ar? someone tell me plz. thanks.
well dat sums up my day. hopefully u all dun get bored reading it. cuz thats how boring ky aka saint's life is. im looking forward to a brand new week ahead. cheerios.
sometimes, no matter how hard u push, u cant beat the forces of nature. i've been busy lately, busy with reports, write-ups, resumes. btw, The O.C. is back on 23 sept, which was last thursday. its been 5 weeks due to olympics which delayed the screening.
and season two will be back in november in the states. hopefully it hits the screens in singapore soon!
stil feeling the aches and sores of friday's gym session. or was it the swimming? struggled to do the resume, bud dunno how to do.. the same thing happened to the reports.
saturday was epl nite. spent the whole day analysing. shitty results. all the players i put in the fantasy didnt score. some were even rested due to cl match midweek. drizzled abit which wet the roads, cant go out to cycle as well. spent the rest of the day thinking wad to do.
it was till the nite where i realised i haven been doing much. watched the heavenly sword and dragon sabre. after which tried to see the commentary on irc. did more recollections while listening to music. useless me. summer scento on channel U at 11pm. love is like beer. you'll get intoxicated when u sink deep into it. how sweet. i guess sunday will be another useless day for me. we'll see how it goes. cheerios
im feeling so psyched up today. woke up late. online for awhile. studied for cpc prac test. coincidentally met rard and rick on the train. prac test first followed by presentation and after dat was lecture. den came the pinnacle of the day. soccer for the first time in weeks. in school especially, on grass. the weather's perfectly fine today. too fine for any soccer. had we not end early, we would have suffered from heat stroke. im feeling some of the buldging stuffs in my head now.. spinning my world about. moved over to the street soccer courts which were open. at least not as much running which drained away our energy. quite on form for the first few games. after dat win too much streaks suddenly feel cant run anymore. some guys came in to play wif us. not good at all, bud they won quite a few matches. they're jus quick and fresh. while we were all tired liao. had to leave cuz the street soccer competition started. had a quick bath before some desserts at fc3. watched the competion for awhile before going home. felt like puking after dat cuz i had too much fluids. going back home was a torture. literally dragging myself back to the little home of mine which was kilometers away. office workers jamming the trains, and taking all my seats on the train. and the air-con's definitely not working! cuz i was perspiring on the train! no la.. mus be the heat which my body cant get rid of. im stil feeling hot now. hope the rain really comes pouring tonite. heard tpy oreadi raining heavily. well tml gym and swimming. hope weather's well again. the sun shine for all i care. lolx. cheerios
winners: chip and kim
second place: colin and christie
third place: brandon and nicole
the amazing race 5
These words are my own
From my heart flown
I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you
There's no other way
To better say
I love you...
I love you, is that okay...?
too tired to blog last nite. here's how it went.. first lesson was disaster. dunno y the teacher kept picking on me. called me a total of 7 times during the 2-hour lesson. even asked me to join the dunno wad movie thing wif the china girls. i talk too much in class.. lol. and she said i smiled alot? zZz. second lesson was alrite. presentation from some of our classmates were quite good. lunch at fc2. muslim food. yum. one bad thing is the chicken takes too much effort trying to collect the flesh. lesson continued after lunch. dreadful lessons due to heavy lunch. guess wad? tan he started telling lame jokes in class to wake us up. u haf to credit him for his efforts. chong pek choo presentations continued before ls lecture. all dat shacked me to the limit.
jap class continued as usual on tuesday evenings. kawaii ne gal was late for class. no wonder i didnt see her coming in before me. closest proximity wif her in class today. she's sitting on the other side directly behind me. oway trying to decoy sensee trying to look at her. blushes stil as much and hair as jap as ever. didnt manage to take her pic. dunno if i like or love her. it didnt matter if i got her. it matters to me if she's happy. wahaha. dats love i guess. love at first sight.
man, i never believed in dat in the past. now i have to start to believe it. got home, had dinner before epl highlights. didnt get to see man utd-liverpool match cuz its on monday. watched part of titanic. watched it a thousand times and never really got sick of it. had an early nite cuz i was too tired to do anyting.
today was more or less a school-less day. slpt till 11. which meant i had a full 12 hour in dreamland. class only started at one. met gerrardo on the train. levi's girl caught our eye. lolx. had ard half an hour of lesson before going home for reports. oh cm and py's labcoats were beautifully decorated. click here for my multiply account. wad a boring day i mus say. hopefully tml get to plae soccer if the weather's perfect. cheerios
wad a monday. bored should be the word to describe. here's how it went. woke up feeling sick. nose flowing like blood oozing out frm a deep cut. tried to shut it down, but it seems like the nose doesnt listen to me. got to school a lil late, due to repairing of this nose of mine. feeling sick. lecturer kept talking and talking, lives up to his nickname, "j-kwan". tutorial followed straight till ard 11. got back test papers. didnt do too well. top scorer cf, she got 98. zZz. expected. if we would bet on the championship winner, i would be a millionaire by now. lolx. got home. had lunch. napped for awhile before driving lessons. my first for 1 month. the weather's hot today, the windscreens glarry and blinding me. got home. more sleep. i feel like a pig sometimes. when u got nothing to do, or shld i say, when u got so many things to do and cant be bothered to start on it. analysing soccer as usual in the evenings before dinner and tv.
picture of my computer interface, taken while i was bored, really bored
burden day tml. long lectures before japanese class in the evenings. ar life. its screwing me wild. cheerios
bathed and rested awhile before dad, mom, bro and me went to food fest 2004 at suntec convention centre, again. abit sian to talk about it le. go read the friday's entry. got home, kena lectured. zZz. tired, slpt early.
the two main characters
two of them, again
a lil history about this song. the suicidal song which my class has been talking about.. gloomy sunday by bjork.
g l o o m y s u n d a y t h e s u i c i d e s o n g Gloomy Sunday - the notorious 'Hungarian Suicide Song' - was written in 1933. Its melody and original lyrics were the creation of Rezsô Seress, a self-taught pianist and composer born in Hungary in 1899. The crushing hopelessness and bitter despair which characterised the two stanza penned by Seress were superseded by the more mournful, melancholic verses of Hungarian poet László Jávor. When the song came to public attention it quickly earned its reputation as a 'suicide song'. Reports from Hungary alleged individuals had taken their lives after listening to the haunting melody, or that the lyrics had been left with their last letters. The lyricists Sam M. Lewis and Desmond Carter each penned an English translatation of the song. It was Lewis's version, first recorded by Hal Kemp and his Orchestra, with Bob Allen on vocals (1936), that was to become the most widely covered. The popularity of Gloomy Sunday increased greatly through its interpretation by Billie Holiday (1941). In an attempt to alleviate the pessemistic tone a third stanza was added to this version, giving the song a dreamy twist, yet still the suicide reputation remained. Gloomy Sunday was banned from the playlists of major radio broadcasters around the world. The B.B.C. deemed it too depressing for the airwaves. Despite all such bans, Gloomy Sunday continued to be recorded and sold. People continued to buy the recordings; some committed suicide. Rezsô Seress jumped to his death from his flat in 1968.
went to school in the morning for jap project. finally finished doing it. got it submitted before the dateline. had lunch at fc3 wif raqiib before gonig for the biomaterial talk at lt4. it was booooring. had to take down notes, which was like a lil percentage of our module. oh wells.. took down some notes whilst talking at the backrow. the talk finally finished and they were deciding where to go. some suggested food fest, while i wanted to go home.. sians le.. so much reports to finish. well followed them to food fest 2004 at suntec. it was cool, cuz the admission is free!! pb cmi me. everything which doesnt require cash surely u find me there. the 12 of us were suddenly overwhelmed by the new food products there. soon it became two grps of six. the grp i was tagging along were filled wif the pbs, always looking for new food free samples for testing. starting engaging conversations wif the promoters.. lol. one of the promoters looked damn cute.. lol. mh gave me away den suddenly had to run off.. xy saw another promoter trying to sell mushroom soup. haha.. cuties everywhere. hope to go for one of these every year.. well i've uploaded the pics onto flickr . i'll bring some nice ones over once i feel like it. lol.
woke up late, thou i didnt get to catch the champions league match. wad a pig i am. studied till 2am before i finally resigned to join my bolster in bed. rushed to school cuz i noe i'll be late for the test. ironically, god had to punish me for being late, he cried for me. had to detour ard sp to get to the lecture at t4A without getting wet. the test was alrite. expected it, bud suddenly kena caught while attempting to cheat. reviewing of answers after a 10 min break. two grps presented before lesson ended. it continued raining, plans for soccer was cancelled. and we didnt haf a ball to plae wif. they had lunch at fc2, while i pb determination grew even stronger. we decided to go for some clan cs at clementi. again, i was the free frag of the day. unanimously. without a shout of a doubt. lolx. got home soon after. slacked thruout cuz the com's having some technical problems. its such an old computer, serving the four brothers of liew since '98. its time you retire dude.
caught american idol at eight. the wildcard special. u bet i was excited watching my banker bet maia lee to perform her song, crazy in love. and of cuz the "ah-beng" of sg idol, sylvester sim. both got thru, together wif beverly morata. i tink the first two i picked will go into the top five, hopefully, maia gets the sg idol title. she will be in close contention wif olinda cho, whom i tink has her style too. well, will style or attitude prevail? we have to see how singapore decides. life rocks for jus one moment. lets see how long it lasts. cheerios
here are the wildcards in the final 12:
maia lee
sylvester sim
beverly morata
there're many other methods of dieing or committing suicide. jumping off the track might seem too painful and courageous for me. how about making so much love till you contract aids and die off? especially when u get the pleasure and not as pain. putting a knife thru the body looks great too, bud the wound is hard to bare. who would wan a hole in the chest? consuming sleeping pills? sounds ideal for some, bud in case you die, pple will only realise after your body emits foul odour.
gosh, how about dieing like jesus, nailed to death. i shant elaborate more. in case some christ followers come after me. well.. im full of tips on committing suicide cuz i've seen enuff of teenage life. im seriously not in the right mood today. life is precious people. and rmb, never die a virgin, cuz our job here is to carry on the family line. cheerios
check out how the wind brings out her beauty.
went to foreign language learning centre at t19 to hand in the money for jlpt to sensee.. it was lunch time and obviously girls were all out at lunch. it was better den feasting a full 11 course meal for the eyes. the sun is scorching hot, trying to dehydrate us. 4 gals walking in front of us towards the mrt. cmied. again, another example of beethoven. went to tampines for haircut after dat wif dan.. told the stylist wad i wanted, bud she was like cutting and cutting. and my fringe's gone. so was the long areas where i told her i wanted. dan's hair was also under much construction cuz his stylist was busy and didnt wanted to wait till 3 hours later.. his hair more funky den me la.. haha.. like those street punkers.. haha.. mine's more crap, too short and unlively. oh forgot to take dan's hair.. maybe take tml.. lol
this is me, after the haircut, all disappointed.
slacked for awhile more before going home. unfortunately both my parents were home. started nagging at me for my haircut.. aiya.. didnt bother much liao.. say i very rich. wa lao they dunno i very pb now lor.. if i open my wallet will shock them to death la.. sians. hope tml's test will be a blast. looking forward to tml's soccer after the test. cheerios
got to school after styling my hair, too long le, cant style much, gotta visit the saloon sometime this week.. got back csw test result. sucks le. bud compared to the class was alrite.. elastomers lecture before lunch. the lesson was okie, i was looking out the window admiring the rain, thou all i can see is my own reflection. talked to fadz for awhile abt songs, soon after it was lunch le.. time flies when ur enjoying urself... lunch at fc2. rick, rard and me shared half a chicken. compared to the last time we ate it, the quantity of chicken was reduced tremendously. pb liao stil kena bluffed. went to lecture theatre for the rest of the lunch break, saw the other guys playing daidee, doing push-ups as forfeit. joined in later. pp2 lecture after lunch. sitting at the window seat again. this time girls walking on the top floor. i was actually looking out at the "drizzling", bud it became ogling at the gals. crapping thruout the lesson. he-man let us off early cuz most of us were dozing off and inattentive in the lecture. got like 15 mins left den played hide-and-seek in the lecture hall, again. this time it was light out and running ard the theatre full of traps. got myself injured on both legs. fell onto a chair, dats how i got caught. lol. went for npc lesson when it was time to go, and most of us, shacked. adhesives presentation for one grp, became new paper reading session cuz the pc in the room wasnt working and the estate pple took the whole lesson to fix it. elastomers lecture for the last lesson. went thru tutorial which apparently no one did. ls walked ard and saw my blank graph paper. could sense the disappointment in his face. lesson ended early cuz we didnt haf the other tutorial. free access for abt 30 mins before going for jap class.
it was stil drizzling abit while walking to class. i was early today. kawaii girl is there too, she's oways early anyway. no wonder she's so darn smart. got back the test results. saw the disappointed look on the sensee face. i know i would fail. a meager 32 marks. i should be the lowest in class, if im not wrong. even slacker rakib got 43. the whole lesson i was jus sitting there, trying to concentrate. i didnt understand a shit the teacher was saying. even kawaii girl's voice couldnt save me frm the abyss i've fallen into. i thought of dropping japanese for once. i shall decide wads my next move. going back home on the mrt train was a torture for me. smell of everyone after work sucks, pushing my morale to all time low. even a msg frm darl didnt help much. had dinner before watching epl highlights, where i became more sad. my loss in football punting have never got this worst.
i have found absolutely no meaning life brings to me. i need new motivation to push me thru the darkest paths and out of the deepest valleys. hopefully the reports gets done by week 13, and revision for exams should follow after dat. and burden jap assignment got to finish by this sat and handed in. let me leave this place silently and painlessly. the gates of hell just closed ytd, maybe they'll open for me when im there. no pics for today, no cheerios too.
decided where to go after school, they suggested playing pool.. bud dunno go where. had to settle it wif tossing coins... lol. how indecisive we are sometimes. bud some of us wanted to play counterstrike. left us with clementi. on we went. got to clementi, started wif cs, i sucked in it. haven been playing for like.. months? since the last time we went to ginza, haven touched cs. haha. forgot all the cheats. totally rusty. after dat, watched the rest play pool. went to take foto for some jap application thingie. some of them took some fotos with my fone. the gal whom they saw downstairs. enjoy.
p.s. hope no one sues me for the fotos.
here's the gal, abit blur ar..
got home soon after. it was raining. perfect weather for sleeping. slacked all the way till now, trying to fix the camera in my fone.. boring stuffs.. tml got jap class again, hate to go la, cuz i know i didnt do well for the jap test. long day tml, gotta haf a long rest, enjoy reading the blog cheerios
my fav female band S.H.E also performed, quite overrated i tink. they dipped le. not as much vibe as they used to have. ella looks thinner, hebe as cute, selina more lian? dunno le. energy oso performed, jus loved their dance moves. so did lee hom did a solo performance on the piano. all i gotta say it, shuai dai le, no wonder hebe and ella fought over him. lol. others quite normal le.. including steph sun, feye wong and new boy huang yida. dats all i rmbed.
later into the night, caught summer scent, which was like one of the best korean dramas i've ever watched. jus wondering wad is love? my opinion of love is able to watch ur loved one from far and not being able to tell her how u feel? greatest story plot i tink i've seen. go watch it those who haven already caught it. i'm thinking of buying the vcd.
ytd sept 11, thank god there wasnt any terrorist attack. well, the terrorist did attack jakarta a day before sept 11? guessed the JI or whoever is plotting an attacked wouldnt dare to do it cuz everyone would be on their high guard. how i wished i would die in a war. maybe during my ns days. feeling all down nowadays. let me die in russia, where the land of beauty rules. or italy, how about france. gosh, devil is kicking my arse so strong i feel them puling me into hell.
live life like there's no tomorrow.
saturday went alrite for me, slacking at home didnt feel any better trying to analyse some odds. didnt study much for the mid-term test which is tomorrow. argh, im so screwing my life now. wont be surprised if i fail this test, and worst comes to worst, i'll get retained. dats life, i guess.
oh the data cable is working perfectly fine, in case some asked, my bro got this easy gprs programme thingie, so shld be able to deal wif some small pics for the time being. anyway, im critally poor now, especially when i lost on epl over the weekend, so dun ask me for any cash, and most importantly, those who owe me money, better return it, asap. i dun wanna go ard asking it back.i tink dats about it, hope today i'll live like a sunday. maybe soc later wif rard and frenz. cheerios
another terror and cowardly act, i mus comment. this time, outside the australia embassy in jakarta, indonesia. poor five year old girl critically injured during this bombing had to be admitted to singapore.
all i gotta say is these terrorist are freaking, god-damn cruel and cold blooded. they do wad they wan and tinks dats how they ged wad they wan. fcuk it. if u wan to stage a war wif the aussies, go bomb them, dun use indonesia as a stepping stone? im tired, and hate to read another news report on any other bombings. tml's sept 11, everyone shld stay at home and ged ready in case war starts again. may god bless all. cheerios
a view of the sea in the evening.
sunset view at sentosa
girls at sentosa, a bit far
went to sim lim wif jh and jl. jh had to ged his monitor, while i needed the data cable for my fone. rick had to go to katong to make his specs, i supposed. arrived at bugis kinda early. walked ard OG while we waited for jh's mom. had a special time looking ard the top level. the toys department! looking at the kids, apparently making me feel younger, and stressless. spent some time watching the HE-man vcd and power rangers. lolx. the toys which brought me thru my childhood days.. gosh. its a wonder how toys make a child's day.
got over to sim lim when jh's mom came. me and jl went ard finding the data cable, while jh and his mom went hunting for his new monitor. i got the cable, after ploughing thru a few shops, and spent the rest of the time watching pple play winning eleven there. its been a long time since i played one game of it. gosh, hopes jh geds his ps2 mod done. got out of sim lim square while jh and his mom had to go home in a taxi wif his new monitor. cant wait to see it.
walked ard tekka mall, which was directly opp sls. apparently not much indians there, quite surprised to see many chinese there. continued walking ard, till we got to little india station. saw this bk banner outside tekka mall, which says single mushroom swiss only $2. super pb. lol. jewel and me decided to go to compass point to try it out. walked ard, wanted to haf mos burger, bud there were no seats left. girls taking up most of them, such a waste. had to settle for the original bk which our purpose was. coincidentally, bk was oso crowded, bud there were seats cuz bk was much bigger den mos. no pretty faces, bud lotsa stressed ones mugging thru books. oh wells, crapped and sat thru the rest of the afternoon, till we got tired. got home after dat.
tried out the cable, which didnt seemed to work. bro came back and dl some program which i didnt know. and he got it fixed! woohoo.. he made my day jus like dat, thou he's gonna haf some prelims for his a's tml. such a hero. thanks! gotta upload some pics for u guys to view. cheerios. happy weekend!
jus watched the sg idol. maia lee didnt get in??! gosh, singapore must be blind. i gotta quote ryan seacrest "you gotta keep voting to let the talents in the show". bud maia's in the wildcard. woohoo! gotta keep voting dudes! to keep the talents in. ok.. getting a lil touchy here. i mean she's got the talents, and most importantly, i love her attitude. oh and sylvester and benjamin is in too.. sylvester's got the "cool ah beng" look. and ben's looking so good on tv. keep voting yah.. cheerios.
more updates of today.. woke up at 7+. brushed and got ready. decided to go home early before the rest. gerrard, wk, dan and me took a cab to harbourfront. wk, dan and me dropped off at the mrt station while rard continued home in the taxi. took a straight train back home to sengkang on the north-east line. the trains were empty cuz everyone was on the other side on their way to work. so were the lrt trains. wanted to go compass point for breakfast. bud it looked closed. went home sleep. since everyone was asleep and i've got nothing to do. blogged awhile in the afternoon before i fell out wif mom. sucks. i hate her, and my youngest bro. dun wanna fucking talking abt them le.
went cycling to clear some of the nasty air i have in my tummy. cycled to some secluded place and ranted. felt much better now. i guess life goes on yah. blasted some old music on the cd player while i sang along. felt even better. tried to find some pple to go out wif, bud all not free.. sians.. hope i ged to go out this weekend. well, all those who got nothing to do this weekend, send me a message yah! hope tml's fyp goes well. cheerios
took a bus out to harbourfront. met up wif the gals who didnt wan to come for the chalet. had tuna and bacon spag and pizza at pastamania. went cold storage got myself a snapple. joined the rest of the guys at e-zone. played more pool. couldnt resist the temptation. thou it was super ex, and the tables were not in the most superb condition, we jus found nothing to do. had to play something to keep ourselves awake. more snacks bought at cold storage. before heading back to the resort. watched the amazing race. and csi: miami. went over watched the guys getting drunk. lol. went to bed soon after cuz i was dead tired. yawns...
tuesday - met up wif the pple going for chalet at harbourfront. some had lunch at the foodcourt upstairs while the other half played pool at e-zone. one advice to everyone: dun ever go ther and play cuz its fcuking expensive. 7-ft: $7 per hour 8ft: $8 per hour 9ft - $9 per hour. we played for less den abt an hour before joining the others who hadta come late for some reason. went to cold storage to buy all the snacks we needed. jus helped to carry some stuffs cuz they oreadi got wad they wanted. and so we got to sentosa, into sijori resort. a huge group of 18 marched into the high class hotel styled resort. who wouldnt be intimidated? the management warned us that only three were allowed per room, we had to tell them the others would slp at the beach. lol. who cares. checked in slightly before 5pm. got everything settled in. started playing pictionary. made hell lots of noise. managed to guess quite a few stuffs my team members had drawn. well done guys! we had to go down to siloso beach to rent the bikes. so on we went, taking the blue line and walking by the beach. reached there jus after six, which the owner of the shop kindly waited for us after sl and py pleaded wif him, i tink. who wouldnt wait to rent his bikes out for money? the 9 of us got our bikes, and cycled back to the resort. joined the rest for a swim at the resort. played water polo, spiking one another, got whacked quite a few times. swam till ard 9? didnt keep track of time. jus knew the merlion changed its eye 3 times since we started, and the sky was very dark by then. bathed, and lazed on the bed wif dan, hl and wk. played daidee while watching tv.
went on for nite cycling. cycled all the way till lau pa sat. overall, it was fun! ate some food before making ourselves back to sentosa. besides making a few injuries here and there, it was alrite. didnt want to go back so early since the rest were still sleeping. cycled along the beaches. initially wanted to catch the sunrise by palawan beach, bud sitting too long in front of 7-11 made us weary. had to cycle back to the resort jus before six. bathed and had some breakfast, before dozing off to bed....
its only monday and im sick of this september holiday liao. no blues thou, bud sick of the nothing-to-do feeling. whole day of tactical ops 2 again. sian liao go out cycle. cycled ard punggol, apparently the roads were empty. started to drizzle. den the rain became heavier and heavier. cant make it back home, so cycled in the rain, believe it or not. tried to do stunts at the multi storey carpark. crazy me. almost slipped due to the slippery surfaces. pple look at me, tot i siao. lucky nv fall. got home drenched. bathed and more tactical ops 2. my bros are getting better too.. must be influenced by me la. mom scolded me for not showing good example. cant really be bothered wif them la. nv ask them to play wif me de lors. and its the holidays liao.. so its alrite la, i tink to play awhile. its been such a long time since we played games together. had dinner and watched tv till now..
jus finished watching friends, the final episode part one. kinda feeling emotional cuz i have been watching it since secondary school. maybe not the whole ten years it was shown, bud at least more den half of it. growing wif it has made those who watch more mature, i guess, and most importantly, the 6 friends have shown tremendous amount of their way of life, and friendship most importantly. i wonder if i had these friends to come along in my life. looking at all these come along, it seemed life could be a bed of roses after all, dealing with all kinds of problems together. making life as sweet as it could ever be.
the prices of eggs have been shooting up to around 45 cents per piece, no wonder no one dares to eat it nowadays. adding to the fact that the avian flu is spreading fast all over malaysia, (the second case has been reported to be in kelantan), singapore will not be lifting its ban for malaysian chickens and eggs to singapore. poor me, i haven had any eggs since the bans started cuz i hardly see any eggs ard in my house. significant drop of protein intake for some bodybuilders, they have to look for alternatives le. for those who abstain frm certain meat, that would mean one less meat alternative to eat. and what's the best solution? to go green! one day im gonna turn all jelly if i keep eating veggies everyday. really hope there's an end to all these diseases spreading around. and the terrorists threats too. how i wish there was peace and harmony in this little world of ours we call earth. cheerios =]
oh by the way, i wont be online for three days, cuz of class chalet. hope i get enuff rest tonite, and hopefully enjoy myself for the rest of the three days. and by friday, i shld be able to blog again.
read about the russian school hounded by terrorist. its amazing wad the terrorists did. totally heartless, cruel, brutal. all the harmful words u can think of. sorry for the lack of vocab. i'm feeling it for the russians, another victim of the terrorists. argh, feel like crying le. cmi. shall comment more when im in the ns. terrorists are jus some cowards who are afraid of fighting openly cuz they dun haf the right weapons. someone shld put a stop to all these threats, lest more innocent lives are taken. what are the freaking americans doing at this point in time? fighting for their presidental elections? cant really be bothered if kerry or bush wins. someone, jus stop this war frm happening.
so much has passed over the week.. the failure of my driving test has been a week old, and the presentations and tests have also passed by. so much for this sad ending. life hasnt been so carefree like these two days in particular. dats jus the sweet part of life i guess. the ice cream on top of the wafer. shld be watching the england match on channel i later. dats if i manage to stay awake till 2.30am. oh wells.. watching summer scent now.. so.. cheerios
cool. wad a word to describe this day. nv felt so relaxed and great for a long, long time. it all started wif gym session wif the tpy gang. managed to do wad our target was. shacked bud pleased. it started to rain when we were abt to leave. had to cancel plans for swimming in the midst. lunch at tpy central. watched first part of summer scent which i missed. loved dat story. catch it on channel u every sat, 11pm. went to bugis to check out ps2 stuffs. met up wif jewel go orc. walked ard wisma, taka, heeren. guess wad? saw michelle chong and jamie teo filming. big crowd there. jewel saw this pink gal, whilst the three of us were looking at jamie. missed the pink gal. shopped ard heeren. saw zhenhuang working there. went to cine aft dat. saw pink gal. super cute. looks alrite to me thou. not really into gals lately. saw rick's gal too. wif three guys. holy crapz. wad a day. had bk for dinner at yoshinoya. lol, cuz eating at pastamania didnt seem a brillant idea. walked back to coffee bean@taka after dinner to sit for awhile. started foto taking session. dats when all the craziness came out. laughed like nv we nv did. started scanning for girls, wif style and look. many walked pass, stupid actions which we did caught some attention. saw diana ser walk pass. she's short, bud definitely beautiful. i bet everyone saw her. she's like a star shining past, no one would haf missed her wif her thick make-up. we also saw joel's gal, aka elaine's classmate wif a guy. doesnt looks like her bf thou. walked more before going home via nel. wad a tired day. definitely one of the greatest day of this year. how i wished everyday was like this. hopefully tml there's either soc or swimming. we shall see wad the weather is tml and decide on our itinery. cheerios
, a fancy photo sharing thing.
i must say watching sg idol did inspire me, a little. made me more determined and try to fight for wad i wan. wells, poor thing some of the singers didnt make it thru. like all would say, keep trying and dun give up. cliches will jus be cliches, pple say it. listeners dun usually heed it. cheerios
oh my god. my fourth entry of the day.. well.. jus plain bored. simply clueless on wad to do for today. totally lost. drifting like a wandering sampan in the open sea, looking for the big ship to pick me up.
check out the acronym at the side of my blog. jus scroll down, its at the side. dun really agree wif it. well.. u all decide. watching sg idol results now.. stil not out yet le.. hope the best gets in. its getting really nowhere frm wad i can see.. zZz
today.. got to school rather early.. had to do the final bits of the presentation. skipped microdevices tutorial in the midst. prepared till ard 11.30. den joined the other guys at fc1. got to the lecture theatre. lecture first followed by the presentation. i screwed up, surely. my brains were not working very well without any sugar intake. no breakfast, no lunch. dun wanna talk abt it liao la.
water soluble prac after dat.. had to wait one hour for the experiment. faster ate lunch at fc1. went back sit at the lab, dazing. not till sy and sm came back frm the other lab. started talking abit. long time nv talk wif them since year one.. nice to see them so cheerful and carefree.. den more came.. video cam roy.. lol. crapz. xy, hy, cm, rick came.. talked more.. more things to do when the one hour ended. faster fin the expt, washed up. by the time we finished, everyone gone liao. got home soon after.. tired and shacked. gym tml. hoped every thing works out fine. hand stil abit sore after being scalded. bud it shld be okie i hope. cheerios =/
updates of the week which past ahead..
wed.. prac in the morning. formal report. long practical. did sth wrong den waste more time. rushed thru one presentation which we already prepared. the presentation was alrite. not enuff guts to pull thru till the end. joined the rest of the guys at t1A. played mini soccer... the others played pictionary and cards.. water soluble lecture followed.. threw rubber ard.. super lame. prepared for another presentation in the afternoon. did till ard 4.30pm. checked out the other guys at the street soccer court. saw my sec sch pple playing at the other court. cmi. i tink they nv recognise me. they dun know me anyway.. one of them kept looking at me.. got fued wif him last time.. lol. played on field when the court had to be closed at five. kicked ard till 6. bathed and dined at fc3. one mishap fell upon me.. my note flew off the tray and i tried to do matrix. half of the bowl of stuffs came onto my hand and legs. super boiling soup scalded my hand, felt like dipping my hands into ice. crapz, spoilt my mood for the rest of the day.. cmi com cant really log on. slpt early..
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